Old Guard: Bolos Anthology 5

Old Guard: Bolos Anthology 5 - Bill Fawcett, Mark Thies, John Mina, J. Steven York, Dan Wesley Smith, William H. Keith Jr., Keith Laumer Collection of tales following the Dinochrome Brigade as they defend a planet against a new alien threat.
Starts with some older models in the opening engagements then moves up to new Mark XXXIV's.
All of the stories are focused on one planet and one enemy, rather than just being a collection of short stories with nothing in common.

As usual with Bolo books, there's the wimpy/scared/incompetent leader holding them all back, a kid whose lost his parents to the aliens but befriends a Bolo (with a whole load of schmaltz thrown in), and massive machines of destruction who seem to be more human (sentimentally) than their creators.

Not a bad collection, but there's no real stand-out stories in it.