The Cursed Earth Saga. John Wagner and Pat Mills

The Cursed Earth Saga. John Wagner and Pat Mills - John Wagner Omnibus edition featuring most of the Cursed Earth episodes from 2000AD comic.
Two had to be left out due to a legal issue (featuring characters based on Ronald McDonald and Colonel Saunders in the fast-food wars).

This edition was a smaller size (and hence a bit cheaper) than the normal size, but did make it a bit hard to read in places.

The story is as I remembered it from back in the day, featuring Judge Dredd having to cross the Cursed Earth to get a vaccine to the people of Mega City Two. A collection of mutants, robots and other strangeness left over from the Atomic Wars stand between him and his destination.

Good story. The artwork is variable, depending on who illustrated each episode and in the small format book can look a bit messy in places.