City of Night

City of Night - John Bedford Lloyd, Ed Gorman, Dean Koontz Frankenstein's New Race are starting to infiltrate all layers of society, leaving Detectives Carson O'Connor and Michael Madison unsure who to trust.
The story continues straight after book one (Prodigal Son), with some of the New Race starting to behave erratically and evolve into something else.

Lots more action, bit more horror than the first book.

Koontz *really* likes short chapters (80 in this book, 99 in book one), meaning the action comes in cut scenes of just a few pages jumping between characters. Not sure if it's related to the fact he said in the intro to book 1 that this was originally going to be a TV series, or if he generally writes like this.

Another twist at the ending will likely see me going to get book 3 to see where it leads.