Sixty-One Nails

Sixty-One Nails - Mike Shevdon If you've read Neverwhere, then this book won't throw too many surprises your way, although it seems unfair to judge it against that book. (Although the blurb on the back describes it as "Neverwhere for the new generation").

Niall discovers he is half Fey/half human at the onset of the book, and then has to try and stay alive as the bad ones would prefer if he wasn't.
There's good characterisation, as he meets other strange sorts affiliated with the different Courts and tries to figure things out.

It doesn't give an alternative London like Neverwhere, but that would have been too derivative. Instead it makes use of London as is (and a few other places) with a good story around them.

It's a more "meaty" read than Neverwhere, being maybe half as long again, and a genuine page-turner to see what happens to the characters.

If you like Neverwhere or The Rook, then this book is for you. If you like this book and haven't read those two, then they would be good choices to read next.

There was a sequel book called The Road to Bedlam.