Operation Excalibur

Operation Excalibur - William H. Keith Jr. A Gray Death Legion novel, following on directly from Tactics of Duty.
A breakaway general with dreams of empire has been slowly and quietly gathering forces loyal to him with the aim of creating his own army and claiming his own piece of inner sphere real estate.

The Gray Death are almost disbanded, causing their founder and leader to fall into depression.

Katherine/Katrina Steiner has broken the Lyran Alliance away from the Federated Commonwealth and started her own plotting.

An interesting book, as it's more favourable to her, and the Gray Death still support her.
Later books show anyone on her side to be sycophantic, blinkered and inevitably doomed by their own sense of importance, so it's nice to see a competent bunch working for her.

Lots of mech action going on, and some quite tense moments.