CASTLE OLDSKULL ~ GWG1: Game World Generator (Castle Oldskull Fantasy Role-Playing Supplements)

CASTLE OLDSKULL ~ GWG1: Game World Generator (Castle Oldskull Fantasy Role-Playing Supplements) - Kent David Kelly A good idea, but let down by only being available in e-book format.
You're going to end up either flicking backwards & forwards, or read once then go back to the beginning to put the ideas into practice.

The first half of the book explains how to start creating a fantasy world (the book is aimed at RPG game-masters, but could also apply to someone wanting a world for a story). It looks at various types of terrain, population centres and people/creatures that might populate it.

The second half is just lists of all the different types of commodity (wood, gems, metals) that could be found in each type of land, types of inhabitants, numbers etc. Some are generated by a random roll, others depend on the climate of the area or whether it's forest, mountains and so on.

If you're reading the book through first then the second half is pretty much skimmer material that you can get through quickly.

If this book was available in physical format then would be at least 3.5 stars - would be the sort of book you'd keep coming back to, flicking through and refining your approach to your world.