The Postman

The Postman - David Brin In a post world war 3 America, Gordon Krantz is trying to survive. Making his away across country by offering tales and plays from the old times in exchange for food and lodging before moving on.
After a run-in with bandits, Krantz comes across a long dead mailman complete with uniform and mail bags.
Taking the clothes to replace what the bandits took, he suddenly finds himself looked upon as a figure out of legend in the towns he visits.
Can he use that legend to try and unite the outposts of survivors?

Well written, with interesting characters and encounters along the way. There are hints at the catastrophes that befell the States, without being too explicit.
Gordon is a reluctant hero at first, realising he is selling a lie just to try and help himself on his way.
The others don't see it that way and he is soon swept along as peoples faith in what he represents starts to spread.