Operation Hail Storm (Hail Series Book 1)

Operation Hail Storm (Hail Series Book 1) - Brett Arquette, Jim Gabler, Michael Picco 2.5 stars - not great, but not awful. I was given this book in return for an honest review, so here goes.

It was billed (in the mail sent through Goodreads by the author), that as I'd liked Robert Ludlum books, then I'd like this. Reading other reviews, it seems he has a form letter and just replaces the name of any other author and finds people who liked them.

I've only read one Ludlum ([b:The Bourne Supremacy|15769|The Bourne Supremacy (Jason Bourne, #2)|Robert Ludlum|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1335860600s/15769.jpg|2508588]), and this book is nothing like that.
More of a techno-thriller, would probably appeal to people who liked Clancy's "Net Force".

It could do with some editing, and cutting down some of the parts that just seem like filler. The characters didn't do anything to make me feel anything for them.